We support various initiatives to uplift and empower the needy.


Education is one of the integral activities of the organization, because of the high magnitude of child labor prevail- in in Dimapur urban. We conduct non-formal education for out of school children and mainstream children to formal education till date we have reached out to one thousand seven hundred out of school children.

Women’s economic Development

Women’s Economic empowerment is an integral concern for the organization. We seize every opportunity to empower women. TRC implemented several programs on food processing for women. Sponsored by Indian institute of entrepreneurship Guwahati and implemented in collaboration with Central Institute of horticulture.

Traditional Cultural development

In order to preserve our rich cultural heritage. Northeast zone cultural Centre sponsored to impart Naga traditional jewellery making training to Kuki tribe women (Neglected Tribe) who are known for their rich cultural heritage on jewellery making.

Scholarship Assistance

Scholarship assistance is provided to deserving marginalized youth studying in various universities, colleges and coaching canters. We have provided scholarship assistance to 27 students at university level.


Showcasing our initiatives to support and uplift the needy.